Thursday, February 9, 2012


Outsource Java Development Can Without Repository Manager by Dharmesh Talaviya
in Computers / Programming (submitted 2012-02-09)

While using the maven repositories for your enterprise it is better if you use the maven repository manager, outsource Java development team can definitely mange without the maven repository manager but then if it is used, it tends to makes things easier for the complete team. Java application development has gone a long way and there are many useful applications. This is because off late the outsource java development has been on the rise.

This article we are going to see what all can a repository manager does for your enterprise. When you have a manager that has been correctly and properly configured then you can save on the bandwidth, speed the builds and also help you to share information among the organization. You can also have an idea what are the dependencies that have been used in the project. This will also play major role in the java application development.

Right now there are three Maven repository managers. They are

* Archiva – this manager is a light weight one which is in the Apache fold.

* Artifactory – this is a very innovative and powerful product from the Jfrog.

* Nexus – this also a powerful one and is also flexible. The repository is documented very well. This is by the company Saontype.

All these repository managers are open source and are free. However there is an advanced version that so the professional version in the Artifactory and the Nexus which will have some extra features mainly for some extra requirements of the enterprise. Here we are going to explain more about the Nexus repository manager only. So go ahead and read to know how the manager is going to help in your java application development. Just in case you are already using it read this and uses it to the optimum.

Need for repository manager

The main work of the repository manager is to be a cache or a proxy between the internet and you. One of the primary features of the maven repository manager is the declarative dependency management. One does not have to store the JAR files in the lib directory in the project. Instead of this they can directly list the dependencies in the build script. Any users can use the declarative dependency management. Then can wither use it by using the Ivy or the Maven ant library.

By default the maven will try to download the public depositories that are there in the internet like the Codehaus repository or the Central repository. It is enough if the jar files are downloaded once. Even if more than one project needs it, it can be used as there is an option to cache it in the workstation. One can work all alone also but then most of the development in the software is a combined effort. Not only will these dependencies that will be required be downloaded by the maven itself. Hence there is lot of saving in terms of time while using the maven.

Whether you outsource java development or you develop on your own managers will be of great help for any Java application development team.

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